I’m Fabio Rao, a Director, Writer, and Producer based between Milan, Manchester, and Athens. I studied Scriptwriting and British Media Audience and Structure at CONEL London, UK. As a producer, I run a production company called FilmoraStudio, specializing in film, commercials, music videos, documentaries, and visual art. My work often combines live action with CGI, special effects, scale models, action scenes, and dialogue-driven storytelling.

I was born in Addis Ababa into a mixed Italian-Ethiopian family. In 1991, we lived in a liberal bubble amidst the communist occupation. I had toys (a rare commodity), watched American movies, and drank soft drinks to the point of indulgence. When the Marxist regime collapsed and civil war broke out, we were forced to move to Italy.

In Italy, I was taught Italian and learned that toys, soft drinks, and American movies weren’t highly regarded in the Soviet Union. Everything I had owned back then had been smuggled. Years later, I had a vivid dream of wandering through a ghost town where American soft drink billboards loomed over empty streets. That vision stayed with me. I knew I was destined to reclaim the advertising spaces of my mind.

Since 2006, I’ve directed hundreds of TV commercials and film projects, as well as a wide variety of documentary projects. My career spans directing and producing documentaries worldwide, crafting high-quality projects from inception to finalization. I also developed ABasicCinema, a scriptwriting program designed to teach the fundamentals of scriptwriting.

In my free time, I restore bicycles as a hobby. My ultimate dream is to live on a sailboat.


Represented by:


Isabella Moiana   

Takehito Kuroha 

Writers Room    scrivere.agency

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